ISO Focus
ISO Focus is the official magazin of the ISO Organisation. Published in English, French and Spanish six times per year,
ISOfocus is the gateway to International Standards. Whether a multinational enterprise faced with major decisions or a small business looking for ideas,
ISOfocus seeks to provide both the kind of overviews that strategic planners need and the little details that can make a big difference.
ISO Focus IDMP Article
In its May to June 2016 edition there is to find an article on ISO IDMP.
Title: Curbing Death and Injury with safer medication (by Garry Lambert)
((#115, Arch – April 2016, pages 6 – 15)
This article is making the bridge between IDMP and the patients´ safety. Once global implementation of IDMP standards is achieved by all international stakeholders, it will be time to revise them for adverse event reporting. That will also be the right time to work intensively on the use of IDMP in the clinical space and in clinical decision support. It will be a challenge to support not only EMA´s pharmacovigilance database (Article 57), but also computer-generated e-prescription interoperability needs in primary and secondary care.
Download ISO Focus May-June 2016 Edition