Informationsstelle für Arzneimittelanbieter GmbH (IFA) Die IFA GmbH ist Informationsdienstleister für den deutschen Pharmamarkt und liefert Informationsdienste mit wirtschaftlichen, rechtlichen und logistischen Daten zu bundesweit in deutschen Apotheken...


PHARMAZIE.COM is an international drug information provider for Health Care Professionals. It has been online since 1996, making it one of the oldest electronic drug catalogs in the Internet. It is reserved for medical specialists according to § 10 HWG...


The National Competent Authorities (NCAs) are the national agencies for the evaluation of medicinal products  


ABDA ABDA is the short form for the – Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Berufsvertretungen Deutscher Apotheker – ABDA is the top organisation of German pharmacists based in Berlin. It was founded in 1950. The task of the umbrella organisation is the political...

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Dictionary Worldwide

ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENTS DICTIONARY WORLDWIDE PROVIDED BY PHARMAZIE.COM ACTIVE PHARMACEUTICAL INGREDIENTS An active pharmaceutical ingredient (AI) is the ingredient in a pharmaceutical drug that is biologically active The term active constituent is often...